

2021/7/1 下午 03:41:27

~網傳~一篇中英文對照的文章。中文的標題是《特好消息! 新冠疫情再見了!(永遠不再見了) 》。英文的部分則是錯誤百出,慘不忍睹。專家表示並非口服液,且無論在研製方式、治療原理與臨床試驗時程都是錯誤的,並非實際狀況。

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日本沖繩南星科學技術學院(土木建築 生物科技 IT資訊 國際觀光 四大專門系所)


特好消息! 新冠疫情再見了!(永遠不再見了) 美國即將有「治療新冠病毒的口服液」。 患有新冠狀病毒者在家口服該藥5天,體內徹底清除了新冠狀病毒,患者徹底康復。 該葯譯名為「莫那皮納偉」(Monapinavir),由德國「瑞吉貝爾」(Rigibel) 和美國「默克」(Merck) 兩大藥廠聯合研製,已經在人體成功完成第一期和第二期臨床試驗,效果100%; 目前第三期臨床試驗接近收尾,效果非常好。 如果順利的話,在4~5個月內就可以面市。 該藥患者在家裡可以自己口服,5天痊癒,使用非常方便。 以後治新冠病毒就像現在治療普通感冒一樣。 新冠狀病毒就不可怕了。 該藥起初是針對流感病毒研製的。 它是化合物,原理是阻止病毒ia酶,也就是阻止病毒本身複製,從而根本上很快消滅病毒。 現在抗新冠病毒疫苗的原理是針對新冠病毒的凸緣,從而阻止新冠狀病毒和人體細胞結合。 這兩者的原理是不同的。 去年3~4月荷蘭和挪威養貂場發生貂患新冠狀病毒,導致貂百萬計的大規模死亡。 養貂場用"莫那皮納偉"喂貂,結果發現24小時後患病的貂內沒有新冠狀病毒了,養貂場很快終止了新冠狀病毒的傳播。 然後二大藥廠就在人體上進行第一期臨床試驗,成功後進行第二期,第三期臨床試驗,迄今為止即將正式上市了。 總之,這是科學界,特別是醫藥界的偉大成就。 也許它會繼安定,阿司匹林和青黴素,阿平為四大經典藥物。 Great News!!! Covid-19 Bye Bye The United States will soon have an"oral solution for the treatment of the new coronavirus( Covid-19)." People suffering from the new coronavirus took the drug at home for 5days, the new coronavirus was completely cleared from the body and the patientfully recovered. The drug is translated as"Monapinavir" and is jointly developed by the two majorpharmaceutical companies "Rigibel" in Germanyand "Merck" in the United States. It has successfully completed thefirst and second phase clinical trials in humans with 100% effect; Currently, the third phase of clinicaltrials is nearing the end and the effect is very good. If it goes well, it will be available in themarket within 4 to 5 months. The patientcan take this medicine by himself at home and heal in 5 days, which is veryconvenient to use. Treating the newcoronavirus in the future is like treating the common cold now. The coronavirus is not terrible anymore. The drug was originallydeveloped against influenza viruses. Itis a compound, the principle is to prevent the virus via the enzyme, that is, toprevent the virus itself from replicating, so as to eliminate the virusquickly. The principle of the currentanti-coronavirus vaccine is to target the flange of the new coronavirus,thereby preventing the combination of the new coronavirus and human cells. The principles of the two are different. From March to April last year,a new coronavirus occurred in mink farms in the Netherlandsand Norway,resulting in the massive deaths of millions of minks. The mink farm fed the mink with"Monapinavir" and found that there was no new coronavirus in the sickmink 24 hours later. The mink farm quickly stopped the spread of the newcoronavirus. Then the two major pharmaceuticalcompanies will carry out the first phase of clinical trials on humans. Aftersuccess, they will conduct the second and third phases of clinical trials. Sofar, they will be officially launched. In short, this is a greatachievement for the scientific community, especially the medicalcommunity. Maybe it will follow Valium,aspirin, and penicillin as the four classic drugs.



美國即將有「治療新冠病毒的口服液」。 患有新冠狀病毒者在家口服該藥5天,體內徹底清除了新冠狀病毒,患者徹底康復。

事實上這個藥根本就不是口服液,而是膠囊。請看這個藥的第一期臨床試驗報告Human Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Molnupiravir, a Novel Broad-Spectrum Oral Antiviral Agent with Activity Against SARS-CoV-2(一種新型抗 SARS-CoV-2 活性的廣譜口服抗病毒藥物 Molnupiravir 的人體安全性,耐受性和藥動力學)。至於《口服該藥5天,體內徹底清除了新冠狀病毒》,則是斷章取義,只挑好,不講壞。
該藥譯名為「莫那皮納偉」(Monapinavir),由美「瑞吉貝爾」(Ridgeback) 和美國「默克」(Merck) 兩大藥廠聯合研製? 該藥的英文根本就不是 Monapinavir,而是 Molnupiravir。至於它的中文翻譯,目前最常見是《莫納皮拉韋》。請看世界日報 2021-3-11 發表的像治流感簡單?口服藥莫納皮拉韋藥效 醫界有振奮有保守

◎完整內容請至 - 科學的養生保健 - 即將有治療新冠病毒的口服液?5天徹底清除病毒?

另外對於口服藥莫納皮拉韋(molnupiravir)的說明,衛福部於 2021/4/11 在中央流行疫情指揮中心嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎記者會中解釋(影片 11:15 處開始)。

中央流行疫情指揮中心發言人莊人祥表示,目前該藥品還在第 2 期臨床實驗階段,第 3 期是否有效還未定,以現在的狀況來說還比較早了點。

★如需了解COVID-19(新型冠狀病毒)正確資訊請上 - 衛生福利部疾病管制署 - 嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎網頁,切勿聽信網路謠言!
基因線上(2021 年 6 月 21 日)指出:美國日前撥出約 32 億美元推動 COVID-19 口服藥開發與量產,順利的話,藥物將在 2021 年年底亮相。


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